Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Arcturian Group – We would like to speak to you of ascension

The Arcturian Group – May 5, 2012


As channeled by Marilyn Raffaele
Dear ones, we are here to greet and welcome you all in this new era of energy. You are now feeling change within. Many are feeling disoriented and wonder if there are physical issues. No, what you are experiencing is simply the adjusting necessary as the body integrates the higher frequencies.
Much is changing within the physical body as cells release that which is old, and integrate the new and higher. When you are feeling sick, or weak, or your ears are ringing etc., just remember that you are making huge changes within your physical, emotional and mental systems.
Rest more, allow yourselves to enjoy what you enjoy, drink and eat cleanly, and fill your consciousness with truth, while letting go of all that is old and finished. We are not saying that you should not consult a doctor if you are guided to do so, but be aware that the energy is affecting how you physically feel.
You are well on your way to a new and brighter world experience even though it often does not appear that way. Much is yet to be revealed and much is yet to be experienced by those of you choosing to ascend.
We would like to speak to you of ascension. This is a time of movement into the higher frequencies and is not a time to panic while trying to hold on to ways of doing things that have always worked for you. Many of these ways will either be lifted to a higher level, or will simply no longer work as they have in the past because those of you that have chosen ascension are now on your way out of the old energy.
However, many who are ready for the new energy, have not consciously chosen it because they do not know about it nor are they interested in it. These are the those who have over many lifetimes, attained a consciousness of oneness.
Because of this, they are ready for ascension, but do not really know on a conscious level what is occurring. These are the dear ones that you will be helping and teaching. These are the ones who will be afraid and wondering what is happening at some point.
You see, the criteria for ascension is having attained a consciousness of the oneness of all life. These dear souls live lives in whatever way they have chosen, often with no seeming interest in anything spiritual and yet living spiritually in every way. They are respectful of all life, live as kind and generous people, and often influence others in a positive way without even being aware of it. They are ready for the next step.
Every life time an individual has, adds to an accumulation of experiences which eventually lead to spiritual (not religious) evolution. In the process, many may appear to have wasted their opportunities for growth but it matters not, for all experience teaches, and every individual will eventually remember and unite with their true selves at some point. There is no time, and those not yet ready for ascension will have another time.
In lifetimes prior to this one, individuals incarnated having chosen one or two issues to be learned or resolved. However this time, because of the powerful shift taking place on earth, all who are serious about their spiritual growth and wishing to be a part of the new energy, came in with a much longer list of all needing to be finished, experienced, or learned quickly. Which is why so many of you have felt like your lives seem to be a series of moving from one issue to another.
Some of you brought lessons of karmic completion with either one or many. As a result, you have found yourselves in relationships that were often problematic from the beginning . As you were intuitively guided to lovingly work through the issues, the old energy was balanced, released, and finished. Others came in to experience and learn specific lessons of the third dimensional energy still needing to be learned.
The most powerful and the hardest lesson in this evolution is learning to look within instead of without. Learning through lifetimes of painful experiences and disappointment, that completeness and true happiness can never be found in person, place, thing. This is the barrier from third dimensional energy in to the fifth.
Many spiritually ready to make this jump in awareness have found themselves in relationships of all sorts that seem to have stopped working, leaving them heartbroken and wondering what happened. Or in another scenario, they may have fulfilled their material goals in every way but still feel empty and unhappy. Some may suddenly lose everything they have.
There are an infinite number of ways to learn that the “kingdom is within” and, for the beginner soul, most of them are difficult and often very painful but at some point in the evolutionary journey, the lessons begin to come by grace and not through pain and suffering. It is important to state: “I choose to learn gently and easily” because out there in the human matrix of world beliefs is the belief that spiritual learning must be done through suffering. Much of mankind’s’ suffering is brought about through trying to hold on to something that is finished in the belief that it holds one’s happiness.
Every soul chooses before incarnating into “earth school”, those experiences that will eventually guide him into a state of consciousness that knows all reality is in and of the One omnipresent Consciousness. Because this Divine Consciousness is all there is, it must also be individual consciousness. Completeness, wholeness, intelligence, wisdom, abundance, and all the infinite qualities of Source lie sleeping within ITS manifestation and gradually awaken onto conscious awareness over lifetimes.
The Higher Self of each individual never sleeps and has never forgotten who it is, and so the journey must always move forward even if at times it is with baby steps.
We tell you these things because you are at a crucial point in your journey now. All that is left to be cleared and released is quickly coming to the surface. Do not fight it, but rejoice in the realization that what may look to the world as failure, is graduation dear ones, graduation.
We are the Arcturian Group – 5/5/12

Through Diversity We Find Unity, By Ben-Arion

Keywords in this first contact are Love and Truth. Nothing will be as it was
before. A reunion that will be experienced together with thousands of cosmic Civilizations, only in this galaxy. It´s a step by step process, that will introduce us to the universal family.

The media only shows us a fraction of the truth of what is happening on Earth.  One who seeks answers will have to find them on their own. The truth is that changes are bigger and stronger than anyone can imagine. Our planet is about to break out of its old shell and rise up to a higher frequency and that concerns everyone that lives on her.
Now I want to speak about the implications of first contact.

People will see and feel this Cosmic Contact in different ways, depending on their beliefs.
  • Some will see them as saviors, "saving" them from Evil.
  • Some will see them as Angels that are "above" the earth people.
  • Some will Fear them because they "feel something unknown".
  • Some will have very mixed emotions and feel very confused.
  • Some will see with their hearts, the true nature of This Event and all the positive changes it will bring, in a state of Love and Peace.

There is no right or wrong way to see this, "it simply is".  But many will become confused due to their "perception filters" or old glasses they have worn throughout their life.

Some people have no idea that we have a Soul, that is able to "leave" the physical body, that we are Eternal beings of light having a human experience.  Some will just see these ships as Pure 3rd dimensional crafts, because they have no concept of the "Higher" Dimensions of Light, and some will not be able to Grasp the Whole picture or higher perspective.  So beliefs will be a "huge" filter for how people will "Translate" what they see.  Some people will connect what they see, based on the religious teachings they grew up with and so on.

But Slowly people will start to realize that we are Spiritual beings having a human experience and that we are one Family.

There are billions of people on this Planet, and out of these, there aren’t many who Know on a conscious level what is about to happen.  Many will just "wake up" because they will be triggered by the Heightened energies of Love.  So first contact is a key for many to awaken...

The introduction to The Galactic federation is like "your birthday", there are no labels attached to it by Beliefs or Ideas.  It simply is Our Divine Destiny, we all decided and planned for this.  There is nothing "Religious" about it, it is a grand event, welcoming us into the Larger picture of Love, waking us up from the Limited Matrix.

To describe it in some way, it can be likened to humanity living within a small cottage in a deep forest with the absence of Sunlight. Now it is time to step outside of that cottage and realize that we are a part of the universe and that everything is connected and synchronized.

Many People will be shocked when this is announced, because it will be as if Their lives are turned "Upside down".  Just think about all the skeptics who have denied their selves so deeply.  When this happens, they will have a hard time "forgiving themselves". Some people will find it hard to "interpret" what they experience through their feelings.  And some may want to defend their beliefs.  And that is understood, because letting go of your "old limited beliefs" will not be as simple as 1..2..3.

This is where you all come into the picture. You who read this message, to explain, to care for everyone, and be an example. To share what you've been practicing all your life.  Be An Anchor of Calm and Peace In humbleness in all the confusion.

All people may not be able to understand that all these things that happen here on Earth are interconnected and interwoven, and that this shift is as natural as Spring coming after Winter.  It is a cosmic cycle.  Some will be "fixated" with the surface of these visitations, and you are here to teach the deeper meaning of contact, and what it will "bring to humanity".  It is a Spiritual Shift.

People will need a lot of Guidance and support in this change. Its not just 1..2..3 and lets go.  For some, this is just a fairytale, and they couldn't imagine this, even in their wildest dreams.  Isn't it wonderful to be here and Be a part of this "Magical change".  This is not all about Physical contact, it is a contact with the Divine within us, on many levels.

You will work together with the Federation Teams here on Earth, in all sorts of areas, depending on your passions.  Some examples could be:
  • New architecture that benefits nature and humanity.
  • Opening a healing or meditation center.
  • Supporting the animals.
  • Supporting people that need shelter and food through the various "Federation Technologies" that will be available to all.
  • Cleaning Planet Earth's seas, oceans and skies from pollution.
The possibilities are endless for what you can do. You will also have your own Personal "contact" within the Federation that Knows who you are, like a mentor.

There will be a lot of "Support" from the Awakened Earth people, who have Always known about this, and came to this Earth to Prepare and be of service in these times of first contact and Transition.  You have a lot of knowledge within you, that will be triggered within these "First contact events".  It will be a rush of Intuitive knowledge, that has been there since your birth. It will come to a conscious level when we need it.

You will also be able to travel around the world effortlessly, in shuttle crafts, the sense of Freedom will be enormous, and it will take a while to Adapt.  There will also be  centers, like "ambassador" centers, where people can "interact" with beings from various worlds like Sirius, Andromeda, Pleiades and many others.  There will be a lot of Education going on, through various methods, such as "holographic light technology".  So you will learn what is happening and Why.  No one will be left behind and all will get their answers.

From my point of view, this is how we will be introduced to the Galactic Federation.
  • Changes in Economic Systems, a temporary transition system, because we wont need money.  It's more beneficial to share and exchange services with each other in pure love and harmony.
  • Media will slowly announce their presence in stages.  This has been done already, one example is "The disclosure project with Steven Greer", and many others. Millions of people have been working on bringing forth the "Energy of first Contact", you are one of them. It will just be more "Headline News" than before, instead of covering it up.
  • Massive "Flyovers" by the Galactic Federation and Ashtar Command Fleets all over the world, that no one can Dismiss. People will be able to Film and photograph these sightings of crafts with great detail, and be able to share it on the Internet, where it will spread like wildfire.

Through Diversity We Find Unity

The Cosmic Civilizations are a "higher version" or expression of ours in tune with the Divine Energies.  Cosmic people have unique energy signatures just as we do, a so called personality, which emanates through their heart.  It will feel effortless to communicate and be with our fellow brothers and sisters, and there will be a lot of laughing and a lot of curiosity.

They have nothing to hide, they simply emanate their Unique Aura and personality for everyone to see and feel. They are masters at being themselves.

It is also Expanding for them to meet us. We are a reflection of them, and They are a reflection of us.  Meeting a being from another world, could be like meeting a stranger on a street you've talked to for a short moment, but didn't know.

We chose to "incarnate" into this density and "limited" reality to Change it from within, and many of the Federation and Ashtar Command have always "had an Loving Eye on us". They highly respect us for our choice to come here and Support Earth and humanity in this transition.  So we are them!

We could not Force these changes from the outside, we invited the Higher energies, due to our Intent, by being here on Earth incarnated and grounding the Cosmic Energies, that is why the Federation can come into this World, because we have "integrated" Light-Awareness into this Reality.  If no "volunteers" would have come here to raise the consciousness, this type of "Contact" would not be possible.

We came to earth and choose to forget everything and slowly we started to remember who we were in this process.  We slowly raised the collective consciousness to a higher Awareness.  So this has been a "long term" partnership, we invited the Federation to come here.  It is not an accident.

So people who see "First Contact" as interfering, have forgotten that people from many Star Systems, Universes and Dimensions have been here for Thousands of years working towards this event.

We will actually take the wisdom of being on Earth with us forever, and Share that with other civilizations.  We will also support other Newly awakened civilizations in the Universe with their Ascension, just as the Galactic Federation has done with us, and will do unto others.  It is natural to support each other through all levels of creation.

We will actually Have a Huge diversity on Earth in this shift, because beings from many systems, will be a part of first contact. We will be presented to those who are most "human like" at first, and then the Cat-like beings, the lion beings, and so on, and what we call reptilians, because all are not dwelling in darkness. We can't judge anyone by their appearance, it's the heart that matters.

We will Find Unity Through Diversity in this contact.  Being One isn't about being the Same.  It's about sharing and honoring the "uniqueness within everyone" as they are.  There are a lot of planetary "Ceremonies" in different civilizations, that is a part of their so called "culture".  We will also build out own WAY OF LIVING here on Earth.  The Galactic Federation is here for support, not to Take over our "Duties".

Enjoy the simple things in life, that you may not experience again, because, soon things will not be the same any more. Our reality will change. I have only touched the "surface" of what will come and be possible, but this gives you a certain idea of the energies we will be introduced to.
You may wonder when Contact will happen?

This is not a "waiting game".  Do we choose to wait or do we choose to BE WHAT WE WANT TO EXPERIENCE, right here and right now?  There is nothing to wait for.  We are in the midst of it.

"Official Contact" is not just ONE event, it's an "unfolding" sequence.  It is happening right now, it will step up and be more and more obvious.  It's about being confident and knowing that what we seek is within our Hearts.

I am a Galactic Federation & Ashtar Command Earth Ambassador-Diplomat representing the Sirian Energies.  I wish you Peace and Joy in this Transformation of Consciousness.  You are not Alone, We are "ALL-ONE".  My "mission" is to be the change here and now, reminding my fellow travellers about who they truly are, by being an example.

My final words will be, Nothing is New under the sun, Be The Highest Vision of Yourself.


Copyright © Ben-Arion. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include the following links at the top of the article: http://www.AshtarCommandCrew.net  and  http://www.BenArion.com