Saturday, June 23, 2012

The New Energy and How to Be with It

~Prepare for the Next Wave of Energy~

The times you have long prepared for have arrived. Do you know what this means?

Right now you are in one of the calmer transitions, preparing for the next big wave of energy. It's like you have a few moments to catch your breath and reflect. As you do, it's quickly apparent how much is changing all around you. Your own changes are at warp speed, too.

The part of you that's conditioned by limited thinking may be feeling nervous, not seeing the other multidimensional parts of reality now on the drawing board. Just because you can't see them, of course, doesn't mean they aren't there!

Divine Changemakers and Multidimensional Reality

Adding to your uncertainty, without your knowing it, is an inner conflict between the linear conventional life approach you learned and the multidimensional approach that comes naturally to you on an inner level.

As a divine changemaker, you are learning to apply the multidimensional approach more and more of the time.

As part of your spiritual growth process, you are embracing new-paradigm thinking with multidimensional approaches. The more that you apply these in your life, the more expanded your potentials become.

You see more of the subtle realms and grasp more of the deeper concepts. This adds richness to your life experience, allowing you to perceive beyond ordinary parameters.

As you learn to live in the multidimensional reality, a whole new range of options becomes available. Your path literally expands, right before your eyes. Instead of seeing your choices as this or that, you begin to realize it can be this and that.

When you approach calmer moments with a multidimensional or quantum perspective, you know to look beyond the obvious. On a surface level, for example, it may seem as though your forward movement is blocked.

How to Discover Subtle Factors

If you want a new job and none are materializing, look at subtle factors. These could be within you or they could be external.

Inner blocks, often subconscious, are more difficult to detect. Examples include self-doubt, anger, blame, insufficient passion, and resistance.

External blocks, often beyond your control, include personal issues of other people and chaos within organizations.

If you find yourself blocked, therefore, invite your higher wisdom to reveal how much of the obstruction is coming from within you and how much is related to external factors.

Next you inquire about the underlying causes of the block. When you are doing this inquiry, be sure to allow enough quiet time for reflection. Don't assume that the first answer you receive is the whole picture; go deeper for clarification.

It's ideal to bring the issue into your dream state for a night or two as well, inviting spirit to give you a higher perspective.

A Simple Question

Remember that you are moving through unprecedented amounts of change. Go gently with yourself. You won't have answers all of the time. You won't feel comfortable all of the time. You won't always know what to ask, either.

The next time you feel blocked on your path, become still and ask this simple question: "What am I not seeing?" The answer to that question can open your mind to a larger picture. You may also be pleasantly surprised to learn that there's nothing further to do right now, except to be patient as your accumulated efforts begin to materialize. Go enjoy your day then, knowing all is well!

Written By: Selacia from Spirit Libray

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Fifth Dimensional Energy: The New Level of Living Life Freely

Many of us have 'moved' into our new home..the fifth dimension.  You know when you have reached this level of existence when you realized that nothing matters but the present moment and events quickly become the past. A shift in perception happens when you are ready to let go of all the old and anticipate the new without any interference.  The article below really give a clear picture of living in the fifth dimension.  I hope you are here with me if not I will see you later!

Joy and Peace
Queen Mother Goddess

"5th Dimension Consciousness" by Trish LeSage

We are living during a monumental time in which humanity is experiencing a shift to higher consciousness. We are shifting from 3rd dimension consciousness to 5th dimension consciousness. The following is what one may experience once they have reached 5th dimension consciousness and beyond: 

When a person reaches 5th dimension consciousness, they may experience existing in a permanent state of peace, bliss, love, and joy. No effort is required on their part to remain in this state. This takes place naturally and automatically. All dissonant energy is automatically filtered out. 

In addition to automatically existing in a permanent state of peace, bliss, love, and joy, people who have reached 5thdimension consciousness may begin to automatically see themselves in everyone whether it be humans or animals. They may also begin to automatically feel love for everyone. 

Furthermore, no negative thoughts stream into the mind of a person who has reached 5th dimension consciousness. In fact, all negative thoughts are automatically filtered out of their mind. 

The mind is also automatically quiet without the constant chatter that flows into the 3rd dimension mind. In fact, there are not very many thoughts that enter a mind that has reached 5th dimension consciousness unless the thoughts are necessary in moving them from one event or moment to the next event or moment. 

When a person reaches 5th dimension consciousness, their perception of time may slow down considerably. Time on the clock of the wall may seem to pass by more quickly, but the mind does not perceive that very much time has passed. This may be compared to what is said happens when a person experiences physical death. During physical death, a person transitions from 3rd dimension consciousness to 4th dimension consciousness. It is said that while years may pass on the Earth, it may seem like only minutes have passed in the spirit world. Our perception of time slows down as we transition from 3rd dimension consciousness to 4th dimension consciousness during physical death. This is why it may seem that not much time has passed in the spirit world while a lot of time has passed on the Earth. 

Those who have ever had a close brush with death as a result of an accident or nearly being in an accident, may have noticed, that their mind starts moving more slowly in these situations also. Everything appears to happen in slow motion. The soul is getting ready to transition from 3rd dimension consciousness to 4th dimension consciousness in these situations so that the person may exit through the portal of death. Hence, their perception of time slows down. Sometimes a change to the divine plan for the person's life is made, however, and they miraculously barely escape from harm often at the last second. 

One may also notice that if they use Self-Hypnosis or meditation, it may also seem as though not much time has passed, but according to the clock on the wall, a lot of time may have passed. Again, in these cases, the mind is transitioning beyond the 3rd dimension. 

The same phenomenon happens while we are physically alive in a 3rd dimension body on the 3rd dimension Earth, and our energy vibration increases, and we ascend to 5th dimension consciousness. Our perception of time slows down. 

When a person reaches 5th dimension consciousness, they only live in the present moment with no reference to the past. They can access past memories if they need to, however, a person who has reached 5th dimension consciousness does not dwell in the past. Their mind is automatically focused on the present moment with no effort required on their part at all whatsoever. It is simply a state of being that they automatically live in. 

Since a person who has reached 5th dimension consciousness is automatically living in the present moment, they also do not have any reference to the future which means that they do not have any worries on their mind about the future neither. They simply live from moment to moment and from one event to the next event. 

A person who has reached 5th dimension consciousness may also experience increased psychic and intuitive abilities. They may experience any of the following: Clairvoyance (seeing beyond the 3rd dimension/3D), Clairaudience (hearing beyond 3D), Clairsentience ( feeling beyond 3D), Clairgustance (tasting beyond 3D), Clairalience (smelling beyond 3D), Clairempathy (feeling what others feel), Claircognizance (Information that a person had no prior knowledge of flows into their mind automatically from an unknown source.), 

Telepathy, Premonitions, ESP (Extra Sensory Perception), Prophecy, split consciousness, Kinetic Energy (moving physical objects without touching them physically and without intending to move them), Psychokinesis (moving physical objects without physically touching them when intending to move them), Psychometry (touching an object and being able to feel the energy that has been absorbed by the object), and other psychic phenomena. 

A person who has reached 5th dimension consciousness may also shift from a state of mind based on belief to a state of mind based on intuitive knowing. Intuitive knowing goes beyond one's belief system. It is an inner knowing. 

Similarily, one may also automatically know whether information is true or false based on how the energy of the information resonates, as everything in existence is simply energy. There is nothing in existence that is not energy. Even our thoughts are energy. 

Manifestation is also much easier when a person reaches 5th dimension consciousness. No meditations, visualizations, rituals, putting a lot of energy into statements of intent, nor any focus on nor knowledge of the Law of Attraction is required neither. Just a simple, light thought about what is desired is enough to manifest it into physical reality, and in a lot of situations, no thought about their desires is even required, as everything is simply synchronized so that what they need is there for them exactly when and where they need it. 

This is indeed a very interesting time in which to be alive on the Earth. We are headed to a state of existence that is free from the dissonance and the restrictions of the 3rd dimension, and it is a wonderful and beautiful state of existence to live in.
About The Author:
Trish LeSage is a writer of articles and books on Metaphysics and spirituality. She recently published a book about alternate realities titled "Traveling To Parallel Universes". She is also a healer of The Violet Flame. She may be contacted through her website at 

Friday, June 1, 2012

I Am Spirit ~ I Am Love!

June 1, 2012


The last few days have been very difficult for me.  Being the empath that I am, my sensitivity has heightened much more over the last month (May 2012).  I felt that I needed to clarify what I have been going through and I did so with the attached post as well as the ‘energy report from Lee Harris at  (both are found at the bottom of this post).
I recognize that I am not ‘here’ anymore.  I have stepped into a higher and new dimension.  I know this for certainty because my Soul self has taken over and is living the life that I came to live in the new earth. 
A Course in Miracles states that the meek shall inherit the earth, not by force but by truth.  In the last 10 years I have been surrendering my earthly ties to the spirit realm in order to reach my divine purpose.  Most of the time ‘I’ was not aware of this.

My soul have been journeying, carrying me into deeper wider understandings while revealing layers of self-deception through accepted beliefs and giving me visions of our future.  I came to understand that the future is now and is always now.  You must humbly surrender what you believe you understand to greater and higher perceptions through the soul.

Last night I toss and turned due to gross restlessness and the Spirit said to me ‘birth pangs’.   I understood immediately and accepted it as my truth and then Lee clarified it in his video.   I recognize and am aware that I am becoming more than I was as a human being.  I am being rebirthed.  Being human has been my scapegoat or the mask I wore, as I learned and surrendered to the many initiations and inner preparations happening to me on multiple levels, integrating love, light and truth within my sphere of being.  The experience is unexplainable and yet undeniable.  If only the average human being knew the power and the love (which is one and the same) that lies in each of us.

Life as I knew it as a human is the past and the past is gone.  I still see it and interact with it but from a perspective of awareness that this is not the greater picture nor is 'real'.  The hardest thing has been patience for me personally.  Once you have a peek into the ‘real world’ you will not want to continue experiencing the 3D world because you see, feel and understand how limited the old world is and your soul struggles in limitation because it was created to be unlimited, infinite even.

Now my desire is to help others through the transitions of going from earthly sense to spirit awareness.  Many times I don’t need to do or say anything but only to stay within the awareness of my own Soul self and others benefit as do I.
This morning I found myself in a vast space.  I stood there looking around at the wide openness.  I was free and I could feel it through my being.  The heaviness of life and expectations was gone.  I was free.  I am free now because I am aware that I am spirit and I am unlimited, not in an intellectual sense but from an awareness that needs no proof or explanation. 

The opportunity to expand my consciousness is here now.  I give thanks to all Lightworkers, Wayshowers and Messengers of God all over the planet for giving their life over to the greater grand plan of manifesting Heaven on earth.  Collectively we have gone through hell to fulfill our missions and I am grateful for the Oneness that we are and for my brother Yeshua.  Most importantly I thank God for His Perfect Plan of Atonement!. 

Go here to read post on June's energy. 

Video of Lee Harris reporting on the Energy of May 2012.  It resonated 100% for me.