Happy New Year and Welcome Home to the New Earth!
Things are moving fast! This is a time of joy, at least for some but for others things seem chaotic and outta of sorts. Each of our own perceptions depend on where we focus our energy upon.
Many are still influenced by mass media and other distractions in the world and this is where their energy is focused. This can cause a negative aura and experience. Negative energy is not necessarily bad if you are consciously aware of it and chose to look at what it is that is causing you a sense of distress in order to open yourself for healing on all levels (physically, emotionally and mentally).
By subjecting yourself to external distractions such as mass media, the political arena, gossiping and such you are opening yourself up to conflict in your own mind.
The pains from the past that you have buried deep are coming to surface for the purpose of purification. Instead of judging anything or anyone as bad or good, observe it and seek for answers within. Learn to ask yourself, "Why am I feeling this way, Why does this person energy disturb my sense of well-being, what is in me that I need to give attention to?"
By questioning yourself you are being honest with yourself and allowing yourself to heal a part of you. No one can make us mad/angry or cause us disappointment. When you perceive that someone is hurting you it is really a gift that is coming to you and you accept the gift by not judging the gift giver.
Remember to pray for clarity and deeper understandings. Understanding is light. What we understand we accept and what we accept we love. Love is not possible without acceptance.
The New Earth vibrates with the energy of love and harmony. The peace that passes understanding is the peace that comes from non-judgment. To judge is to determine that you know and it is impossible for you to know without love. Love sets all things right in your mind, letting your mind be at peace with the way things are.
This is the year of resolutions. According to Encarta World Dictionary resolution means as follows:
- process of resolving: the process of resolving something such as a problem or dispute
- decision: a firm decision to do something
- determination: firmness of mind or purpose
To resolve something is a process as well as a decision and determination. My resolution is to learn to be more patient and tolerant of others. I resolve to do this because I understand that it is for my own well-being. Problems do not necessarily go away. They are resolved by our changing our perceptions about them and this take emotional maturity and determination.
Since I have decided to be more at peace in my environment I have began the process of being more tolerant and patient. Within this process I have observed that the children of today are master teachers in helping us to become more patient and tolerant.
What I have observed is that they are almost demanding that we change how we view life in general. They come from a place of love deep within and if their environment is not loving they reflect the lack of love in us so we can allow our hearts to heal.
Mother Queen Goddess
Mother Queen Goddess