Love does not need to be "defended" or "proved" so I really
recommend not to engage in "other peoples" dramas, you can be an "observer of the drama" and see it for what it is. It´s temporary movement that has to play itself out. There will come a time where we just have to give up everything we know to be true or what to do. Beliefs are Layers upon layers on THE ISNESS OF TRUTH.
Being honest is natural for the Soul, it is pure and have no agendas. Being honest to other people means to open up your heart to others, which can be felt as "leaving" your comfort/security zone. But we will feel like a pull within us to "BE HONEST, TRUE TO OURSELF & OTHERS IN EVERY MOMENT", even if it doesnt please anyone.
To BE love does not mean to "GIVE FROM EGO BELIEFS". It means, to know and give from A loving integrity, from a part of you, who loves yourself.
We feel bad and we feel drained because we do things we dont like to do, its the ego who thinks we have to "Do things" for others all the time, or they may disappointed etc, or they wont love me, its based on fears. We have no obligations, we are Free beings, with spontaneous creativity.
Its a huge Step to SAY NO from your heart with integrity rather than Saying YES from your EGO because you feel obligated. Integrity is Good to practice, because it teaches you about your own energy field. Re-mind yourself when you make a choice, that "I will Act with Loving Integrity". People may want you to come back to "reality" or feel discomfort because you will awaken a choice within them, beyond the Logic Mind, and connect with their hearts. As you have to learn to drive a car, taking basic driving lessons, you are learning to be the driver of your Experience.
To harmonize your heart, mind and Ego is a process, which comes in waves of integration and self-realization.
Depression is so common in todays world and thats because we dont "care to feel anymore" because we cant see the meaning of life. It may feel like a repeating dance.
In the deepest depressions, there is the greatest light, because we feel so alone and so helpless that we just "give up". This is where we begin to KNOW who we truly are. We doubt, we are afraid, we choosed to become strong through "emotional stretching" I would call it that, because it awakens a "higher dimension" within, that is not possible through external experience.
We integrate and become compassion, we grow like sensitive flowers in the middle of chaos. We have to learn to trust our own "INNER KNOWINGNESS" and taking the so called leap of faith is a "Hardcore choice". There arent many people who by so called "Free will" jump straight into the "Unknown" with a smile on their faces. The Ego becomes paralyzed and do everything it can to hold on to the past or creating a "Secure future".
I must personally say that the times of "security" is gone, because we dont need to protect ourselves, we need to Step into our LOVE and be who we truly are. Layers of Identification, beliefs are being pealed off.
The comfort zone of our Egos is being stretched, beyond the ME and MINE. This is threatening to the ego. And we become "depressed", because it feels we are loosing ourselves, a very loved part of ourselves.
Every moment is filled with LOVE and you can Be IN LOVE Now, and know that you are loved, and through this energy a "Loving integrity" will be born, which will and can say No to things it couldnt before. Love is Knowing yourself and your energy, you know yourself so good, but layers and more layers are cluttered together, so youve forgot about self-love, which is not egoic, its Loving Integrity which will mirror and make people remember that we have Self-responsibility to Love ourself first and then we can give from that, else we will feel Drained.
When egos speak to eachother, its almost about "listen to me", because i need attention. When hearts speak to eachother, its unconditional love, in silence, pure knowingness, without adding anything. People who connect through their hearts does not need to Convince or Prove to anyone about Who they are. It will simply shine through effortless. You will be "guiding" people with the silence of your heart and the energy you are eminating.
We see alot of "Arguing" or "Egos smashing together", its all a part of the integration of Loving Intergrity and Self-Love.
Dont take it personally. Its when we Think we are the "Little-me" or persona that we easily get dragged into the drama and Want to feed it, because our emotional body loves drama, its like fuel. The transition from a Ego Re-ACTIVE mind to a "Non-attached-Active-clear mind" is a process, it cannot come all at once. It would make people crazy. We get as much as we can handle.
The Spiritual Heart is like a muscle, its being trained and stretched in ways we couldnt even imagine, what is being done on this planet havent been experienced anywhere else. When the heart is so stretched and we think we cant handle anything more, because its to much, we will notice we could LOVE even more. There is no limit.
I really understand the EGO, it feels like it want to have control over these Higher dimensional energies, it want to "figure it out", but it never can, so it will surrender as a servent of the Heart, instead of being a "Controlling Leader".
We are moving beyond boundries, where no one has gone before. Predictions isnt the way, its all about TRUST AND LETTING GO of everything you know and receive what is yours to receive. The ego Would call this "Foolish" or "be careful - it may be dangerous". Your heart will say, "I AM" READY!!!
When the emotional Tidewaves is hitting your nervous system its Good to Meditate-Dwell in The ZERO point and Uncoditional "Non-attached-Neutral" energy. Being neutral is not ignorant, its a state of "Beingness" that harmonize and revitalize your Body and Mind, the center of YIN & YANG.
Its our EGO that is afraid of Being ignorant, our hearts dont know ignorence, its Allowing "ALL-LOVING and Forgiveness.
You are becoming a NEW YOU, you will look back at your self- the self you are now, and smile because you will understand that you had layers upon layers of "Ideas-beliefs" that you thought "was you". Our thoughts are like programs in a computer, but the actual "programmer" is YOU!
Instead of incarnating in a new body you are Incarnating your "HEART" and "Light-Consciousness" right here and now. You dont have to leave your body to Experience WHO YOU ARE.
Balance and Harmony are Keywords you should focus on, The EGO Loves to Be in LOVE and dont Like to be in "Negativity". thats why we are thrown back and forth, its the Law of Duality. Its the rubber band effect. Find your center, dwell in the Trust and integrate it into every cell, knowing that you are the Path, there is no seperation between you and your highest joy. All this may seem as words, but im sharing these words on a carpet of "LOVING INTENT" which will be understood by the heart.
You are bringing the TRUE NATURE OF LOVE into the world, just by being Who you are.
Taking small steps at a time, you are a like a flower growing. You cant force anything from the ground, it will grow slowly and with grace. The sensitivity of your Body energy will rise, so
take time for yourself and listen to what it needs.
Simplicity, Love and Truth

Being honest is natural for the Soul, it is pure and have no agendas. Being honest to other people means to open up your heart to others, which can be felt as "leaving" your comfort/security zone. But we will feel like a pull within us to "BE HONEST, TRUE TO OURSELF & OTHERS IN EVERY MOMENT", even if it doesnt please anyone.
To BE love does not mean to "GIVE FROM EGO BELIEFS". It means, to know and give from A loving integrity, from a part of you, who loves yourself.
We feel bad and we feel drained because we do things we dont like to do, its the ego who thinks we have to "Do things" for others all the time, or they may disappointed etc, or they wont love me, its based on fears. We have no obligations, we are Free beings, with spontaneous creativity.
Its a huge Step to SAY NO from your heart with integrity rather than Saying YES from your EGO because you feel obligated. Integrity is Good to practice, because it teaches you about your own energy field. Re-mind yourself when you make a choice, that "I will Act with Loving Integrity". People may want you to come back to "reality" or feel discomfort because you will awaken a choice within them, beyond the Logic Mind, and connect with their hearts. As you have to learn to drive a car, taking basic driving lessons, you are learning to be the driver of your Experience.
To harmonize your heart, mind and Ego is a process, which comes in waves of integration and self-realization.
Depression is so common in todays world and thats because we dont "care to feel anymore" because we cant see the meaning of life. It may feel like a repeating dance.
In the deepest depressions, there is the greatest light, because we feel so alone and so helpless that we just "give up". This is where we begin to KNOW who we truly are. We doubt, we are afraid, we choosed to become strong through "emotional stretching" I would call it that, because it awakens a "higher dimension" within, that is not possible through external experience.
We integrate and become compassion, we grow like sensitive flowers in the middle of chaos. We have to learn to trust our own "INNER KNOWINGNESS" and taking the so called leap of faith is a "Hardcore choice". There arent many people who by so called "Free will" jump straight into the "Unknown" with a smile on their faces. The Ego becomes paralyzed and do everything it can to hold on to the past or creating a "Secure future".
I must personally say that the times of "security" is gone, because we dont need to protect ourselves, we need to Step into our LOVE and be who we truly are. Layers of Identification, beliefs are being pealed off.
The comfort zone of our Egos is being stretched, beyond the ME and MINE. This is threatening to the ego. And we become "depressed", because it feels we are loosing ourselves, a very loved part of ourselves.
Every moment is filled with LOVE and you can Be IN LOVE Now, and know that you are loved, and through this energy a "Loving integrity" will be born, which will and can say No to things it couldnt before. Love is Knowing yourself and your energy, you know yourself so good, but layers and more layers are cluttered together, so youve forgot about self-love, which is not egoic, its Loving Integrity which will mirror and make people remember that we have Self-responsibility to Love ourself first and then we can give from that, else we will feel Drained.
When egos speak to eachother, its almost about "listen to me", because i need attention. When hearts speak to eachother, its unconditional love, in silence, pure knowingness, without adding anything. People who connect through their hearts does not need to Convince or Prove to anyone about Who they are. It will simply shine through effortless. You will be "guiding" people with the silence of your heart and the energy you are eminating.
We see alot of "Arguing" or "Egos smashing together", its all a part of the integration of Loving Intergrity and Self-Love.
Dont take it personally. Its when we Think we are the "Little-me" or persona that we easily get dragged into the drama and Want to feed it, because our emotional body loves drama, its like fuel. The transition from a Ego Re-ACTIVE mind to a "Non-attached-Active-clear mind" is a process, it cannot come all at once. It would make people crazy. We get as much as we can handle.
The Spiritual Heart is like a muscle, its being trained and stretched in ways we couldnt even imagine, what is being done on this planet havent been experienced anywhere else. When the heart is so stretched and we think we cant handle anything more, because its to much, we will notice we could LOVE even more. There is no limit.
I really understand the EGO, it feels like it want to have control over these Higher dimensional energies, it want to "figure it out", but it never can, so it will surrender as a servent of the Heart, instead of being a "Controlling Leader".
We are moving beyond boundries, where no one has gone before. Predictions isnt the way, its all about TRUST AND LETTING GO of everything you know and receive what is yours to receive. The ego Would call this "Foolish" or "be careful - it may be dangerous". Your heart will say, "I AM" READY!!!
When the emotional Tidewaves is hitting your nervous system its Good to Meditate-Dwell in The ZERO point and Uncoditional "Non-attached-Neutral" energy. Being neutral is not ignorant, its a state of "Beingness" that harmonize and revitalize your Body and Mind, the center of YIN & YANG.
Its our EGO that is afraid of Being ignorant, our hearts dont know ignorence, its Allowing "ALL-LOVING and Forgiveness.
You are becoming a NEW YOU, you will look back at your self- the self you are now, and smile because you will understand that you had layers upon layers of "Ideas-beliefs" that you thought "was you". Our thoughts are like programs in a computer, but the actual "programmer" is YOU!
Instead of incarnating in a new body you are Incarnating your "HEART" and "Light-Consciousness" right here and now. You dont have to leave your body to Experience WHO YOU ARE.
Balance and Harmony are Keywords you should focus on, The EGO Loves to Be in LOVE and dont Like to be in "Negativity". thats why we are thrown back and forth, its the Law of Duality. Its the rubber band effect. Find your center, dwell in the Trust and integrate it into every cell, knowing that you are the Path, there is no seperation between you and your highest joy. All this may seem as words, but im sharing these words on a carpet of "LOVING INTENT" which will be understood by the heart.
You are bringing the TRUE NATURE OF LOVE into the world, just by being Who you are.
Taking small steps at a time, you are a like a flower growing. You cant force anything from the ground, it will grow slowly and with grace. The sensitivity of your Body energy will rise, so
take time for yourself and listen to what it needs.
Simplicity, Love and Truth
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