In our current month of August the energy will be slowing down a bit but building momentum on deeper levels dimensionally. August symbolizes Leo the Lion which is depicted as courageous and protective. July gave us a window of opportunity to finally settle our debts with the past. Collectively we passed through some painful past memories and found our inner strength to move through them on to the other side of the dark clouds that have followed us for eons, leading us into deceptive beliefs about ourselves and our true heritage as spirit beings of the light.
The August energy gives us the capacity to face any painful memories, that may be still lurking around seeking for attention, with courage. It also provides the opportunity for us to gain greater trust and to establish confidence in our gifts that we came to share with the world at this time. This month is a starting point where trust and abilities will merge and spiral up.
My Guide tells me that August is a month that will flood the earth with light because humanity is ready to began integrating the light and to move forward in a whole new direction. I am beginning to see the effects of this already.
I went for a walk in my neighborhood today and everything seemed to have a layer of protection and beauty over it. Now this was experienced through a deep abiding feeling that I understood was love. Everything seemed so sacred and in divine order. There was a quietness that engulfed the entire atmosphere as I constantly found myself saying, "I am so blessed,,,thank you!"
Be sure to embrace the energy that has come to raise your soul's vibration so that you may enter into the Kingdom of God. It is in you waiting for you to surrender all fear and allow perfect love to reside in you. You came here to do a great work and the Lion's energy is here to give you courage and remind you that you are not alone and are protected by the host of heaven, angels and God. So let's us move forward towards the light of God's love that is our home, that is our own reality.
Be Strong!
Be Courageous!
Be Love!
Love Always
Nazeelah Noorjahan
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