Friday, June 1, 2012

I Am Spirit ~ I Am Love!

June 1, 2012


The last few days have been very difficult for me.  Being the empath that I am, my sensitivity has heightened much more over the last month (May 2012).  I felt that I needed to clarify what I have been going through and I did so with the attached post as well as the ‘energy report from Lee Harris at  (both are found at the bottom of this post).
I recognize that I am not ‘here’ anymore.  I have stepped into a higher and new dimension.  I know this for certainty because my Soul self has taken over and is living the life that I came to live in the new earth. 
A Course in Miracles states that the meek shall inherit the earth, not by force but by truth.  In the last 10 years I have been surrendering my earthly ties to the spirit realm in order to reach my divine purpose.  Most of the time ‘I’ was not aware of this.

My soul have been journeying, carrying me into deeper wider understandings while revealing layers of self-deception through accepted beliefs and giving me visions of our future.  I came to understand that the future is now and is always now.  You must humbly surrender what you believe you understand to greater and higher perceptions through the soul.

Last night I toss and turned due to gross restlessness and the Spirit said to me ‘birth pangs’.   I understood immediately and accepted it as my truth and then Lee clarified it in his video.   I recognize and am aware that I am becoming more than I was as a human being.  I am being rebirthed.  Being human has been my scapegoat or the mask I wore, as I learned and surrendered to the many initiations and inner preparations happening to me on multiple levels, integrating love, light and truth within my sphere of being.  The experience is unexplainable and yet undeniable.  If only the average human being knew the power and the love (which is one and the same) that lies in each of us.

Life as I knew it as a human is the past and the past is gone.  I still see it and interact with it but from a perspective of awareness that this is not the greater picture nor is 'real'.  The hardest thing has been patience for me personally.  Once you have a peek into the ‘real world’ you will not want to continue experiencing the 3D world because you see, feel and understand how limited the old world is and your soul struggles in limitation because it was created to be unlimited, infinite even.

Now my desire is to help others through the transitions of going from earthly sense to spirit awareness.  Many times I don’t need to do or say anything but only to stay within the awareness of my own Soul self and others benefit as do I.
This morning I found myself in a vast space.  I stood there looking around at the wide openness.  I was free and I could feel it through my being.  The heaviness of life and expectations was gone.  I was free.  I am free now because I am aware that I am spirit and I am unlimited, not in an intellectual sense but from an awareness that needs no proof or explanation. 

The opportunity to expand my consciousness is here now.  I give thanks to all Lightworkers, Wayshowers and Messengers of God all over the planet for giving their life over to the greater grand plan of manifesting Heaven on earth.  Collectively we have gone through hell to fulfill our missions and I am grateful for the Oneness that we are and for my brother Yeshua.  Most importantly I thank God for His Perfect Plan of Atonement!. 

Go here to read post on June's energy. 

Video of Lee Harris reporting on the Energy of May 2012.  It resonated 100% for me.

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