Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Culture of Belief
                  In the Kingdom there is no teaching or learning, because there is no belief.

 The messages I have been assigned to give all begins with the one generalized idea that runs like a string with beads throughout each and every message.  That generalization is that this world is not real and it will never be real.  If one can accept that truth, the messages I bring can help lead you into the real world where God never left.
The main reason it is difficulty for most people to leave the world behind is because almost everyone has found some value here but as the Course in Miracles states: 
It is impossible to see two worlds. Let me accept the strength God offers me and see no value in this world, that I may find my freedom and deliverance.

Many see the giving up of the world a sacrifice but this is not true.  To give up the world is to make a conscious choice through awareness to have a God Experience while still in this world and to choose to be one with Jesus/Holy Spirit and be where they are when you leave the body behind. 

Most believe that happens automatically.  It does not.  First, it does not mean you cannot live a life on the so-call normal side.  You can have your job, children, get married, go to school or whatever.  The Holy Spirit only asked that It may guide you for your own good.  When you open up to the His Guidance, others, many others, benefits along with yourself.  That’s the difference.  Thus your life becomes one of selfless love rather than selfish gain.  The Holy Spirit only knows how to guide you into a life of selflessness.

He does not want to take from you but want to use what you already have and make it holy in order to fulfill God’s plan and purpose and so you may become aware of your own joy.

The purpose of my messages is to share with you the holy relationship I share with Christ through Holy Spirit.  I have been in this relationship since 2002.  AT least that is when I became aware of the relationship but we have always been together, He guiding me along the pathway of the Real life. 

The first message I got from Him in 2002 was simply, “WRITE!”  There is a story behind this for which I will tell at another time.  In the meantime I am simply writing to share the messages I receive as I have been instructed to do. 

Briefly, I want to speak about A Course in Miracles.  This book came to me in a supernaturally phenomenal way and it changed my life in a holy instant.  Since I was a child I had held the world as a ‘suspect’.  I could not accept all the traditional teachings handed down to us, generation after generation because it did not add up.

There was a big chunk of something missing and I would discover that’ something’ was the simple truth for which I found when I cracked opened that beautiful blue book with gold letterings that stated: 

This is a course in miracles. It is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean that you can establish the curriculum. It means only that you can elect what you want to take at a given time. The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love's presence, which is your natural inheritance. The opposite of love is fear, but what is all encompassing can have no opposite. This course can therefore be summed up very simply in this

Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the peace of God.

The world I lived in before A Course in Miracles was based in fear, violence, greed and deceit.  Yet here, the Course was telling me that none of these things really mattered because they were nothing and had no effect on me if I knew who I was, a creation of God.

Here it was also telling me that when I was ready to face the awareness of love’s presence I would receive a course in miracles which will help me do that.  What more could I ask for than God Himself?

I have been writing for a long time and have been knowing for just as long that I would eventually write a book on the lessons I received through my life experiences and the Teachings from Holy Spirit.

One night I dreamt that I was having a conversation with a woman when a thought came to me.  That thought was, ‘The Culture of Belief’.  When I received the thought I instantly knew that it was the title of a book that I would write.  In the dream I quickly got up and wrote it down.

The woman in the dream asked me what I was doing and I told her that I had just received the title for the book I was to write.  This is a prelude to what is coming.  I am led to write what I write through inspirations from Spirit.  As I am inspired the messages will unfold without my help. 

One thing I can say at this time is that the world as we know it is based on the culture of belief.  We must begin to question and examine why we believe what we believe.  This is because what  most believe is not in alignment with truth and only truth will set you free from the conflicting beliefs of a world that is limited.  We were not created to be limited but to live life more abundantly.    

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